HSSC Junior Engineer (Electrical) & Operator Grade-1 Electrical Group -2

Total Questions: 100

1. The printer that does not support transparencies is: []

Correct Answer: (c) Non-impact

2. What is the primary function of the magnetic frame or yoke in a DC generator? []

Correct Answer: (c) Provide mechanical support for poles

3. In digital electronics, the term 'ripple counter' refers to which type of counter? []

Correct Answer: (b) Asynchronous

4. The ruler who had the title 'Kaviraja': []

Correct Answer: (a) Samudragupta

5. What kind of turbines are used in modern tidal energy generation systems ? []

Correct Answer: (a) Axial turbines

6. What does an optocoupler do in a circuit? []

Correct Answer: (b) Transmits signals between two circults optically

7. What types of devices are typically connected to the input section of a PLC? []

Correct Answer: (a) Sensors and switches

8. What does a load curve in power systems represent? []

Correct Answer: (b) Variation of load with respect to time

9. The oldest continent in the world is: []

Correct Answer: (a) Africa

10. What is the primary cause of electron movement in a conductor when an electric field is applied ? []

Correct Answer: (c) Electric force