Total Questions: 50

1. Tangle [SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Morning)]

Correct Answer: (c) Simple

Simple - Easily understood or done.

Tangle - Twisted together untidily.

Jam- Squeeze or pack tightly into a specified space.

Labyrinth - A confusing set of connecting passages or paths in which it is easy to get lost.

Coil- A length of something wound in a joined sequence of concentric rings.


2. Hyped [SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Afternoon)]

Correct Answer: (c) Reduced

Reduced - less than before or less than usual.

Hyped- Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion.

Dilate- to enlarge, widen, or cause to expand.

Upper- at a higher position or level, or being the top part of something.

Parlayed- to use or develop money, skills, etc. in a way that makes more money or leads to success.

3. Select the most appropriate antonym to substitute the bracketed word in the given sentence. [SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Evening)]

She ventured to go back to the tree of the (tryst), the mulberry with the shining white fruit.


Correct Answer: (d) Separation

Separation The state of being apart or disconnected, often due to physical or emotional distance.

Tryst - A planned meeting or rendezvous, especially between lovers.

Rendezvous-A meeting or gathering, often planned or arranged in advance.

Engagement- A formal agreement or commitment, often involving a promise to marry or participate in a specific activity.

Date- A social or romantic outing or appointment.

4. Crude [SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Morning)]

Correct Answer: (b) Ripe

Ripe - fully grown and developed

Crude in a raw or natural condition

Beastly- unkind or unpleasant

Stubble- the short hair that grows on a man's face

Intense - very great, strong or serious

5. Mound [SSC MTS 14/06/2023 (Afternoon)]

Correct Answer: (b) Valley

Valley. an area of low land between hills or mountains

Mound - a small hill

Victory- success in winning a battle, game, etc

Bell- a metal object that makes a ringing sound

Prominence- the state of being easily known

6. Select the word from the options which is exactly opposite in meaning to the bracketed word given in the sentence below. [SSC MTS 15/06/2023 (Morning)]

The Prime Minister is making no (rash) promises.


Correct Answer: (a) Considerate

Considerate-  showing thoughtfulness and careful consideration.

Rash- acting or doing without careful consideration or thought.

Immature- displaying lack of maturity or emotional development.

Audacious - bold or daring.

Bold - showing courage or willingness to take risks.

7. Glamour [SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Morning)]

Correct Answer: (d) Dullness

Dullness- lack of excitement, interest, or attractiveness

Glamour- quality associated with stylish beauty.

Charm- attractiveness that pleases others.

Magnanimous - generous or forgiving.

Appeal- ability to attract or interest someone.

8. Impertinent [SSC MTS 16/06/2023 (Afternoon)]

Correct Answer: (a) Polite

Polite - having good manners and showing respect for others.

Impertinent- not showing enough respect.

Irrelevant- not connected with something.

Insolent - lacking respect.

Personal - relating to a particular person,

9. Our children need vital lessons in wealth management. [SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Morning)]

Correct Answer: (b) superfluous

Superfluous - unnecessary or more than required.

Vital - very important or necessary.

Clever- having the ability to learn, understand things quickly.

Organic- produced by using natural materials.

Healthy- physically strong and not likely to fall sick.


10. There is a point at which fear may turn to insanity. [SSC MTS 19/06/2023 (Afternoon)]

Correct Answer: (a) Wisdom

Wisdom- Deep knowledge and good judgment.

Insanity - Mental illness or derangement.

Lunacy- a state of extreme foolishness, irrationality, or madness.

Absurdity- something that is extremely illogical, unreasonable, or contrary to reason.

Frenzy- a state of intense excitement, agitation, or uncontrolled behavior.