1. Most of the Himalayan rivers are perennial, whereas most of the Peninsular rivers are rain fed.
2. The gradient of the Himalayan river is steeper than the Peninsular river.
3. The Peninsular river causes more erosion on its way in comparison to the Himalayan river.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Correct Answer: (a) 1 and 2 only
Note: The rivers of the Himalayan region rise in the glaciers, are perennial. The peninsular rivers do not have their sources in glaciers and most of them are rainfed. The gradient of the Himalayan river is steeper than the Peninsular river as the slopes of the Himalayan rivers are very steep on the upper reaches. That is one reason that they erode and transport huge amounts of sediments. Further, the landforms over these rivers flow is also young. On the other hand, the pen- insular rivers have not very steep gradient and they flow on already eroded old topography. Further, the hard rocks of the peninsular region are not as susceptible to erosion as those of the Himalayan region.